Find the Best Business Networking Groups and Free Local Referral leads

Small business owners...want more customers, clients and free local referrals?  Want to find the best business networking groups? How does an exclusive business network of up to 1,500 local businesses who refer each other sound to you? Amazing? Well, it's coming to your city...very soon!

SmartGuy® is already in thousands of cities and growing by hundreds of new businesses each day.  Small business owners love the free way to generate business leads, reduce their advertising and and instantly generate quality local referrals.

How does it work?

Go to,  click the Join Us tab at the top, and within 1-2 minutes your done!

SmartGuy® will list you in your local SmartGuy® city business directory, SmartGuy® city business network, exclusively connect you to up to 1,500 local referring businesses and create an editable webpage for your business (including hosting) that can rank on the top of search engines in as little as 2 weeks - ALL FOR FREE!

Why would they do that for free? 

SmartGuy® knows that 90% of searches for businesses begins online, and that if they can create an editable webpage (including hosting) for your business and get it to the top of major search engines, you will be amazed - and of course, want to keep it! I mean, why wouldn't you since most search engine marketers "experts" often charge 500-$1000 per month with a contract to get a business high on searches and usually can't even do it!

What's the catch?

There isn't really a catch in that you get everything they mention for free; however, your spot is not secure and can be replaced by another business in your city/category that upgrades to Premium (only $69 per month - no contracts)

What else do businesses get with Premium Membership?

Aside from securing their spot, they get listed on all available SmartGuy® industry articles, many of which are already on the top of search engines as the exclusive recommended professional in their city, as well as a custom article promoting their business which also can rank on the top of search engines fast. This can often give them TWO spots on the first page of search engines.

SmartGuy's biggest Value...

But the biggest value in joining SmartGuy® might be the future benefit of being the ONLY professional in a massive city business network - and the ongoing referrals one can receive. Imagine the value of being the only life insurance agent, house painter or any of up to 1,500 other categories of professionals in these local referral machines.

Just as Amazon® has improved the relationship between consumers and retailers, and Uber®  has improved the process between people and getting to destinations, SmartGuy® is changing the way businesses grow with a unique spin that will not only make it easier for consumers to find local quality businesses, but provide ongoing virtually free leads for up to 1500 businesses within each city!

But wait, think it couldn't get better?

You can even earn money by referring others to SmartGuy®.

Obviously, the more businesses that join in your city, the more referrals you will receive. So to get give you even more incentive to tell others, they have added email share tools (currently for those with gmail and yahoo) that allow you to click a few buttons and share SmartGuy® with all your contacts.

Businesses that get your email and join as Premium members in the first 2 weeks of your sharing it, can earn you $10 per contact! See the website for details!

To add your business or for more information, visit SmartGuy® at