Fees for check luggage Southwest vs JetBlue vs others

All the passengers boarding the airlines are allowed to carry checked luggage only to a certain number of bag(s) and are made to pay for the rest. In other cases, not even a single bag is allowed free of cost and the passengers are charged based on the weight of the luggage they bring or on the number of bags. 

These charges may be justified based on the fact that the prices for fuel are soaring, and regardless of trying to increase the profit margins, the airlines need to maintain them in the first place. The aero planes are designed in such a way that they can carry only a certain weight. In such cases, the passengers who take up even an insignificant proportion of the allowed weight should rationally pay for it.  Any idea of what the fees are for check luggage on southwest vs JetBlue vs others?

The luggage policy from one airline to other varies. The Southwest Airline in general allows a passenger boarding the economy flight to carry two bags for free. This policy is more detailed than it looks like. The two bags each should not weight more than 50 pounds while the size of each bag should not exceed 62 inches in total. This include the length, breath and the height of the checked luggage. Each extra item for the next 50 pounds is charged at $75 each. 

On the other hand, JetBlue provides a slightly different policy. The airline which was once known as the cheapest American airline has changed its policies drastically. You may be given a leverage if you are participating in their loyal members’ club. However if the case is not so, it shall cost you around $25 for the first bag, while $35 for the second and a whopping $150 for the third. Each extra bag will cost you likewise and thus soar the total cost of your travel. 

 Other popular options to travel other than Southwest and JetBlue and their check luggage policies are as follow:

American Airlines:

The check luggage charges depend massively on the place you are travelling to, and is subject to change for local and international flights. It is also altered for people who participate in their loyalty programs. For passengers who are travelling domestically and do not take part in their loyalty programs; the first bag costs $25, while the second costs $35, the third bag costs $150, while the forth costs you $200. 

Frontier Airlines: 

For the passengers flying through the economy class, the first check luggage bag will cost you $45 and the second will cost you $50. 

United Airlines:

For any flight with in the United States of America and Canada, you will be expected to pay $25 for the first bag, while $35 for the second bag. These bags should not weigh more than a maximum of 50 pounds and a total of 62 inches.

Delta Airlines:

This airline charges similar to most of its competitors. The first bag will cost $25 while the second bag will cost you $35. These prices are exclusive to travelling within Canada and the United States of America. 


For the first bag, you are expected to pay between $27.50 and $31.62; while for the second bag, you are expected to pay an amount between $37.50 and $43.13. The third bag shall cost you from $92.50 to $106.38. These price quotations are only limited to the people flying domestically. 

Alaska Airlines:

The first bag on your domestic flight will cost you $25, and so will the second bag in your checked luggage. The third bag would cost you $75. One thing is to be kept in mind, none of the bags can exceed the weight of 50 pounds each, while they cannot exceed the size of 62 inches in totals. 

Hawaiian Airlines:

For a passenger flying in the economy class, the first checked bag will cost $25, while the second will cost $35. For international flights, you are allowed to check two bags for free. 

However, all the airline options listed will provide you variation in services and customer satisfaction, so you may choose what you like the best. 

All the rates quoted in the article are the latest, as quoted by the airlines, however you should always check first as they can change at any time. 

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