Affiliate Program

Imagine a business opportunity that allows you to earn an ongoing monthly revenue
of as much as $25,000 per month while working from home. Sounds impossible? It’s not!
Now more than ever, businesses need customers and there is no better quality customer
than a referral since they are free, trusted and have the highest closing rate.

SmartGuy makes it easy!

Members can join SmartGuy 24/7 and are instantly connected them with other local referring
businesses in their city. They also get  a suite of other tools to help their business grow.  As
their cities grow, so do the number of referrals they can receive.  I mean…what business
wouldn’t want to be the  only electrician (for example), in a massive referral network
 of up to 1,500 businesses? But how does that help you?

Here’s how you profit!


Members can choose a $49 per month plan (no contract) or pay $199 for their
first year bringing the price down to less than $17 per month for their first year!
City leaders earn 100% of the city generated revenue each month until their monthly
fee is covered. Then 50% or the revenue thereafter up to $25,000 per month! So,  how
much is the opportunity to become an exclusive SmartGuy City Network leader? 
As little as $99 per month (depending on the city)!

So what are you waiting for?

What other opportunity allows you to work from home with an opportunity to
 earn that kind of recurring income? Best of all, Since each city network is exclusive, you
earn the revenue from your city, whether you generate the client or not! In other words,
As SmartGuy continues to grow in your city, so can your income!

There is no hardware, no software and nothing to install. You can become a City leader
in as little as 1-2 minutes! Let’s get started!


“If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure
 you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later.”
                                                                     Richard Branson